About this site

Science, real science that is, not what passes for it in the newspapers, and sadly, increasingly in supposedly “peer-reviewed” journals, is exciting. It’s fun, it’s thrilling and it stimulates the mind. It can also kill you dead. Real science is not a dead subject. It is very much a living thing. Read up on what tape recorders where originally first put to use for (recording the voices of the dead – feel free to skip the bit about the theosophists if you want, the science part is lower down). Read up on how it’s possible the ancients had radio. And that the reason it would not work now is because of how we have overpopulated and over-polluted the planet with a myriad (and some say toxic) frequencies of broadcast.

We need more Adventure Scientists! Yes it’s spelt with the capitals. And I would like YOU, yes YOU! To become one. I want people that are interested in these subjects and who are ready to make a contribution by beginning an exploration of whatever subject takes their fancy, and then write a report or an article for the website. Why would you do that?
Because you would become part of a group of Adventure Scientists.
Because you would definitely always get credit for all your original work (as well as retain your copyright in full). Because you can place links to your own site (but see the guidelines on How to Submit and Article at the Adventurescience.info site).
But most of all, because there is no reason a group like that could not have a completely illegal amount of fun while possibly making discoveries of global importance.

And no, you do not need to have a PhD or a master’s degree or anything else other than the ability to do science properly; that is, carefully, but with the spirit of exploration coursing through your veins. You need not carry a loaded magnum in your research, but you do need to be able to do decent research. We don’t care about your qualifications, we care about your results and the exactness of your margins of error.